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Moving Mudras
for Love and Harmony

 Find calm within the chaos
in less than 5 minutes per day.

What if you could feel centred

whilst all the mayhem of life

swirls around you?

This flowing sacred hand sequence will clear your head,

balance your emotions and

centre your energy

so you can move into your Wise Woman

with awareness

ease and Flow.

Tell me if this sounds like you....

- You’re a busy woman who has no time for herself.


- You're still trying to carry everyone else but all your old tools to help yourself just aren't working the way they used too.

You're exhausted!


- You are ready to move into more Self Love but just don't know how the BEEP  to do it.


 -Your head is a mess of confusion. You just want to turn it off for a while.


-You’ve tried meditation before but can’t seem to sit still for long enough to make a difference.


Then this online short course is for YOU!

For the next 2 weeks
Only $67!
Then $88 
for another 2 weeks.

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What if you could create time just for you?


To be calm and clear whilst the mayhem rages within you? 


What if you could make this change in only 5 minutes per day?


What if you could simply find your calm centre?


What if it didn't need to be so bloody hard?!?!?!

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This is exactly why I’ve created Moving Mudras.

Sacred geometry for your hands.


As a busy Mum of two teenager boys, running my own business, whilst studying, 

my hormones going all over the place

my memory seriously like a sieve!!!

I'd had enough!

 That's why I created 


Moving mudras for Love and Harmony.


It's a short, yet powerful, moving hand sequence

designed to fit into

your busy schedule.


The results I've experienced have taken me to a

whole new level of

expansion and abundance.


You can have this too!!!


When you commit to small increments of time regularly

with this powerful process, exponential, positive change

will occur  in your health,

wealth, relations and finances.


Bringing more Love and Harmony into all aspects of your life.

Not $111

Now only $67!!!



CREATE  Harmony within yourself in as little as 5 minutes per day.


HARMONY = a positive state of inner peace, calmness, and balance, as well as the feeling of being tuned with the world.


It is entirely possible to stand in the eye of the storm and find your calm centre with this regular practice so that you can be the Wise Woman. Peaceful within and playful without.


Open to receive more love, abundance and success in all aspects of your life.

So what's included in this online course???

You'll receive...



Right now you’re challenged by all the sh!t that's going on in your head and your body!!!

Feeling overwhelmed by all the intense feelings.

Your mind is constantly going round and round in circles,

Not being able to focus like you used too.


You know Yoga is good for you

but can never seem to find time to get to a class.

It's the same with meditation.... but who has time to sit still and even if you find time, your mind is a crazy rainbow of thoughts and ideas.

Imagine if you could feel calm, centred and clear even amongst the most challenging of situations.


Imagine if you did have a bit of time for you.

Imagine if you felt peaceful when you finally had time to stop and not  totally exhausted.

Imagine if you did feel clear

Fully present and aware


Let’s make these changes happen now. 




Bring more Love and Harmony into all aspects of your life.


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Not $111

Now only $67!!!


Holly Carter

Photos by Helen Bragg @Nightjarphotograghy


This is me, Holly Carter.

I am 50 and proud to have made it this far.

I have always loved to move and create.

My first career was as a professional ballerina with the Australian Ballet Company, the Queensland Ballet and the West Australian Ballet Company.

I loved choreography! Creating solo works and groups works for the WA Ballet Company and now for you.


From 2012 I ran my own business, Holly Carter’s School of Movement

Teaching Dance, Pilates and Yoga to all ages.


I morphed this business into

Wild at Heart Yoga and Dance

in 2021

And have guided numerous students to find health in their bodies, peace within their minds and clarity on their Souls’ path.

All elements of the Self in aligned harmonious Flow.

I am a Soul Flow mentor.

I am a Mother of two teenage boys who challenge me to grow constantly and

I just adore them.


I embraced meditation when my first son was born. 

Life was so busy and full, I couldn’t find any time for ME! 

I remember not having time to wipe my own bum without interruption.

My mind was a mess!

Meditation gave me a clarity I’d forgotten.

It allowed me to navigate all that being a Mum threw my way.

Quite gracefully….. most of the time ;)


As a Yoga teacher of 20 years I have embraced all the limbs of Yoga. 

My recent delights are delving more deeply into Mudras, which is Sanskrit for  ‘To bring forth delight.’


What I love about hand mudras is that you don’t need much time or space to receive the benefits. They are Yoga for your hands.


I created this Moving Mudra sequence to balance all the energy centres in your body, your chakras.

To deepen your connection to the Earth and the Sun. 

To guide you to remember that you can create heaven on Earth.

Be the Heaven from within first.

Manifest all your Heart desires from this place of self love and compassion.

And the best thing is, anyone can do them.


As a busy Mum of two teenagers, running my own business, whilst studying, being 50 and travelling into menopause, I have specifically created these Moving mudras to fit into my busy schedule.

When I feel frazzled

I practise the Moving Mudra Meditation

And the results have taken me to a whole new level of expansion and abundance.


I feel like I'm taking flight.


You can have this too.

Frequently Asked Question’s - FAQ's
  1. What is a Mudra? 


A hasta mudra is Yoga for your hands. A symbolic or ritual gesture pose.

Mudra means to bring forth delight. 

Each is a hand position that has been imbued with energy from the Yogi’s and all who practise them.

They are Sacred geometry for your hands.

  2. How can Mudras benefit me?


It is about connections.

You have the whole world in your hands.

Each finger is connected to a different element.

Connect your intention with Mudra and your breath and feel the benefits of single focused awareness.


  3. What is a Moving Mudras?


I have created a sequence of sacred hand positions that you move through.

A moving meditation.

By focusing on the moving sequence your mind finds calm and reconnects you to your natural harmonious state.


  4. How will it help me as a busy Mum?


It is entirely possible to stand in the eye of the storm and find your calm centre.  When you create a ritual to practise daily you will reap the benefits of clarity, calm and focus.

You can be the Wild Wise Woman, the fun Mum, enjoying your loving relationships,

Open to receive more love, abundance and success in all aspects of your life.

So you don’t have to push so hard all the time.


  5. I’m full up already. How can I fit this in too?


Once you learn this sequence you’ll only need to find 5 minutes a day to practise.

Others who have done the course want to extend their time practising because they notice all the positive benefits they’re receiving.


  6. I’ve never done Yoga or Meditation before. Will this be ok for me?


Yes, of course.

I’ve created this course to be accessible for everyone no matter their age, ability or previous experience.

This Moving Mudra sequence is the perfect beginning for anyone looking into Yoga or meditation. It is also highly beneficial to experienced Yoga students or teachers to bring another powerful aspects to their Yoga journey.


  7. I have a scientific background. I just don't get it. Can you explain some more please?


Sometimes things can not be scientifically proven until technology catches up.

On a spiritual path, I love it when my mind is in total shock and disbelief, not understanding the how, when miracles spontaneously occur in my life.

Mudras have been imbues with energy over the centuries, now we get to reap the rewards. Taking these sacred hand positions, breathe and feel.


Don’t take my word for it.

Give it a go.

Focus your attention for 5 minutes per day for a month

Notice your before and after state.

That will be proof enough. 


  8. Where do Mudras come from?


The origin of Mudras is unknown but they’re been around for thousands of years. The enlightened one utilised their benefits.


  9. How will this moving sequence help my frazzled mind?


Your mind needs two things to focus on to not get distracted.

One will be your hand positions and the other your breath.

This focus will help bring you a clearer mind.

Bringing more Prana or life force into your Being.


  10. I’ve never done an online course before. Will I be able to access it easily?


Yes, I’ve created this course so it’s easy to navigate.

Once you’ve learnt the sequence of the mudras involved, all you need to do is follow the downloadable sequence. 

Then you can practise  it anytime on your own.

Who is This for?

Woman on a Deserted Road

This is for the woman who wants her freedom back.

Freedom to fully be me.

No matter how weird and wonderful that it.


The one who wants to embrace this stage of life in ease and flow.

In trust

Not trepidation or fear.


Fully embracing and loving Me.

This is for the busy Mum, the one who is the glue keeping it all together.

The one who never seems to find time for themselves, and even if they do find a snippet of time, they’re so exhausted and just want to rest.

This course enables you to take some time for You!

To give back to yourself.

To remember the power within your own hands and mind.

This Moving Mudra sequence will help you find the calm within yourself, so you can navigate all that life throws your way.

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This is for the working woman.

The one juggling so many roles, Mother, lover, friend, family and work role and peri-menopause.

The one who just wants a moment to themselves.

This Moving Mudra sequence will help you connect to the power and strength from the simple things.

Creating a ritual to honour yourself.

“Me Time”.

Bringing more Love and Harmony into all aspects of your life by opening to Love and harmony within yourself first.

Here’s how this works...

Step 1.

Click this button and it will take you to the purchase page.




Step 2.

Use Paypal or put your credit card details into the secure payment page.

Pay only $67


Step 3.

You'll receive a link to the course.

Log in and create your unique password. 

Begin your course.

Access it anytime form your computer or mobile phone


Step 4 

Receive more Love and Harmony into your life.



As this is a short course I do not offer a refund policy.

Imagine how you will feel two months from now... Calm and centred, harmonious even whilst your hormones, emotions AND your life pull you in every direction. 


When you commit to small increments of time regularly with this powerful process, exponential, positive change will occur in your health, wealth, relations and finances.



This offer of $44 OFF only lasts till 15th June!!!


It is in honour of my Mother. 

44 was her lucky number.

It wasn't until I had my first child that I truly understood how much she had done for me and the unconditional Love she always showered down.



While learning the Moving Mudras I felt a beautiful sense of calm and presence, which quickly grew to feeling more positive and creative. 


Holly’s Moving Mudra course was an absolute pleasure to discover. As I learnt each of the gestures and began to practice them, I fell in love with this simple yet very effective sequence.

The course was so well designed with just the right amount of information, and Holly’s beautiful energy and personality shines through.

Highly recommended.



                              * * * * * * * * *


Where do I start.... as I practiced and breathed through each step I didn't expect to FEEL the intention in each mudra and yet I did.

Holly's simple instructions and explanations supported each of these practices.

I LOVED the Moving Mudra video sequence at the end - I look forward to continuing this practice daily.

At each mudra I practiced 3 breaths and felt deeply into the intention of each Hasta Mudra.

Thank you, Holly for your generous gift of ancient wisdom, your intuition and invitation to TRUST myself and all that exists around me.



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I loved this intro course and the way you organized it, being time poor, I appreciate the straight forward platform!


The moving meditation was beautiful to watch!

I enjoyed learning about Mudra's with this short course, it was very easy to understand, with brief but concise info and the platform simple to navigate and worked seamlessly.


The 10 Mudra demos were a perfect amount to concentrate on for a daily regular practise.

I love how the combination flowed once I put them all together as the moving Mudra meditation. This is something one could easily add to a daily or regular routine.

I admire the addition of your own Mudra as well as more traditional ones, as this promotes the ability to style such a practice to individuality.


I definitely think this mindfulness practice is a great way to start off your day or give a quick respite anytime. I now just want to learn more!



                     * * * * * * * * *

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Find your inner calm

This simple 5 minute meditation will give you similar benefits as an hour long Yoga class.

It’s easy to fit into your schedule 

You’ll begin to want more

You can do it anywhere

My Heart to yours,


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